List of Indian State Birds:

List of Indian State Birds: Name of the State State Birds Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman wood pigeon Andhra Pradesh Rose-ringed parakeet Arunachal Pradesh Great hornbill Assam White-winged wood duck Bihar House sparrow Chhattisgarh Bastar hill myna Delhi House sparrow Goa Flame-throated…

List of Indian State Animals:

Name of the State State Animals Andaman and Nicobar Islands Dugong Andhra Pradesh Blackbuck Arunachal Pradesh Mithun Assam One-horned rhinoceros Bihar Gaur Chhattisgarh Wild water buffalo Delhi Nilgai Goa India bison Gujarat Asiatic lion Haryana Blackbuck Himachal Pradesh Snow leopard Jammu and…

List of Indian State Trees:

Name of the State State Trees Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andaman redwood Andhra Pradesh Neem Arunachal Pradesh Hollong Assam Hollong Bihar Sacred fig (Peepal) Chhattisgarh Sal Goa Coconut Tree Gujarat Banyan Tree Haryana Sacred fig Himachal Pradesh Deodar Jammu and Kashmir Chinar…