General Knowledge Set – 16 RRB Exam, UPSC Exam, SSC Exam:

  1. Sex determination of a child is done by whose chromosome?
    Answer: Father
  2. Who is authorized to decide over a dispute regarding the disqualification of a member of Parliament?
    Answer: President
  3. Who first demonstrated experimentally the existence of electromagnetic waves?
    Answer: Hertz
  4. Which is not essentially a species of Himalayan vegetation?
    Answer: Mahogany
  5. What are the main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization?
    Answer: Archaeological excavations
  6. When is International Human Solidarity Day observed?
    Answer: December 20
  7. The United Nations declared 2001 as which International Year?
    Answer: International Year of Volunteers
  8. What is the effect of the oversecretion of hormones from the pituitary gland?
    Answer: Increase growth in length
  9. Which type of forest covers the maximum area in India?
    Answer: Tropical moist deciduous forest
  10. What was the rate of land revenue as ‘given in the dharma shastras?
    Answer: 1/6
  11. The Lok Sabha is called in session at least how many times in a year?
    Answer: Thrice
  12. Heating pyrites in the air to remove sulfur is known by which name?
    Answer: Roasting
  13. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the Central bank, what will be its effect on credit creation?
    Answer: Increase
  14. The Matatila multipurpose project is located in which state?
    Answer: Uttar Pradesh
  15. What did the name ‘Ratnakara’ denoted In ancient Indian historical geography?
    Answer: The Indian Ocean
  16. ‘Queen’s berry Rules’ is the name. give to the rules in which game?
    Answer: Boxing
  17. By whom was the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced?
    Answer: Herbert Spencer
  18. When can the salaries of High Court judges be reduced?
    Answer: During a Financial Emergency
  19. Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of targets, coasters, and dredgers?
    Answer: Garden Reach Shipyard
  20. In which country was Buddhism first propagated outside India?
    Answer: Srilanka

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