1. Where was the Global Fintech Fest (GFF) 2024 held?

Answer: Mumbai.

2. which armed force has launched ‘Project Naman’ to support veterans and their families?

Answer: Indian Army.

3. Which Indian Naval Ship recently participated in a Maritime Partner Exercise (MPE) with Spanish ship Atalaya?

Answer: INS Tabar.

4. Which state’s tourism recently won the PATA Gold Award 2024 for innovative ‘Holiday Heist’ campaign?

Answer: Kerala.

5. Mona Agarwal recently won a bronze medal in which event at the 2024 Paris Paralympics?

Answer: Shooting.

6. What was the original name of the policy when it was first implemented in 2006?

Answer: Naari Gaurav Niti.

7. Which of the following is a key feature of Navratna status granted to organizations?

Answer: Operational autonomy.

8. How many Mimetus species are now known to exist in India?

Answer: Three.

9. Which of the following is a high source of dietary iron?

Answer: Spinach.

10. Which bank is providing financial support for Project NAMAN?

Answer: HDFC.


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