1. What is the revised timeline for listing shares on stock exchanges after the closure of IPOs, as per SEBI’s recent decision?
Answer: T+3 days.
2. When will the new listing timeframe be mandatory for all public issues as per SEBI’s circular?
Answer: December 1, 2023.
3. What is the primary purpose of the Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) formed by the Indian Government?
Answer: To enhance oversight of official data.
4. Which entity was replaced by the Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) in India?
Answer: Standing Committee on Economic Statistics (SCES).
5. Who is the chairman of the Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS)?
Answer: Pronab Sen.
6. What is AU Small Finance Bank’s recent innovation in customer service?
Answer: Video Banking.
7. How does AU Small Finance Bank ensure the security of video banking transactions?
Answer: Encryption, Facial Recognition, OTP, and Video Validation.
8. Which bank was penalized by RBI for exceeding prudential inter-bank exposure limits?
Answer: Shri Vinayak Sahakari Bank Ltd.
9. What was the violation that led to a penalty on Shreeji Bhatia Cooperative Bank Ltd?
Answer: Unauthorized capital expenditure.
10. Why did Mizoram Urban Cooperative Development Bank Ltd receive a penalty?
Answer: Issuing loans with high risk weights.